On our second day (of 3 total days), saw a mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus). First time we'd seen one

And her baby.

On our third day, came across a herd of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). First time we'd seen them.

Afterwards we wandered around and saw many more mountain goats.

Starting with a mother and baby that were lying in the shade at a visitor's information outlook deck.

On the first day, saw a mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) at our campsite. First one we'd seen.

It has large ears and a black tip on its tail relative to white-tailed deer.

We encountered a moose (Alces americanus) a little before entering the park. First one we'd seen.

A black bear (Ursus americanus) was wandering around right by our campsite.

Bighorn sheep at night up on a hill as we were exiting the park, their eyes' tapetum lucidum layer reflecting the car's headlights.

This was part of our 2007 cross country road trip. See route and more info here.
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